Monday 13 October 2008

Shawshank Redemption

So the Shawshank Redemption ir probably one of the greatest films I've ever seen.

I'm not one for missing out on good movies, and am always on the ball when it comes to talking about an old classic. I'm forever ranting about how great Titanic is, or how I really liked Sophie's Choice (even though it really is all just about Streeps performance, the actual film is a little boring). I hadn't actually seen Shawshank, and it was only when I found it on video behind the TV that I decided to give it a watch, be blown away and now can't stop thinking about it.

Love it love it love it.

Performances were ace, script was perfect, and it wins no Oscars, which is typical. I thought the film was just perfect, emotional, over the top and at the same time very realistic and heartfelt. Heroes succeed, hope prevails, evil is defeated and everyone lives happily ever after on a boat. For a prison based film that was so anti fairy-tales, it ended up being a real dreamy treat. Thank you Morgan Freeman for your wonderful voice.

Saturday 28 June 2008

There Must Be Something...@ Ocean Rooms

Elissa and I got our poses on at a random night in Ocean Rooms. We played dares, at one point.

I made love to a pillar in the middle of the dancefloor.
Elissa shouted 'KILL ME NOW' at the top of her lungs in the middle of the room.
We chatted up a hot barman who turned out to be a Leo and was also gay. He winked at me when I left, which is always nice.

Seriously finding any reason to write a post to get this whole blog thing going.

Mr. Luke Worrell...

An obsession of mine, Mr. Luke Worrell.

AKA, the next Kate Moss. He's from Croydon, is very little and smokes and drinks but still looks amazing. And now he's going out with Kelly Osbourne! And he's best mates with Agyness. If I saw him in the street, I would have to rip off his shoes and lick his feet. And then make love to him.

Friday 27 June 2008

My First Blog

So this is my first blog post. Welcome to my life, full of lots of weird goings on... friends, family, lies, artwork, fashion, photography, comic books, opinions, facts, and all the rest. It's going to be quite a ride. I hope.

At the moment I am a complete mess. This is one, and probably the most important, of many reasons as to why I've chosen to start blogging.

See, I'm in the process of moving house. And it's all gone considerably well - I've managed to arrange, single handedly, getting a brand new house for me and my best friends. It's taken a lot of time, effort, stress and tears, lots of money and talks with a very bizarre, over weight Chinese man... but I've finally found a small house in Brighton that has 4 lovely bedrooms, a nice living room (one that doesn't smell of shit or mould... great!) and most importantly, a bath. So it's all great, really. It's just the space inbetween that's getting to me.

See, everythings changing. Like, everything. I'm saying goodbye to my life here, in this house. Everythings packed up into boxes and I'm going to have to say goodbye to one of my best friends Irish Jenni. A girl who, is by far, one of the most amazing people I have ever met. And soon, she'll be gone. Back to Belfast, whilst I get in my Dads van and drive off down the road.